========================= FeinCMS 1.7 release notes ========================= Welcome to FeinCMS 1.7! Extensions-mechanism refactor ============================= The extensions mechanism has been refactored to remove the need to make models know about their related model admin classes. The new module :py:mod:`feincms.extensions` contains mixins and base classes - their purpose is as follows: :ref:`extensions`. View code refactor ================== Made views, content type and request / response processors reusable. The legacy views at :py:mod:`feincms.views.legacy` were considered unhelpful and were removed. Backwards-incompatible changes ============================== Page manager methods behavior ----------------------------- Previously, the following page manager methods sometimes returned inactive objects or did not raise the appropriate (and asked for) :py:class:`~django.http.Http404` exception: - ``Page.objects.page_for_path`` - ``Page.objects.best_match_for_path`` - ``Page.objects.for_request`` The reason for that was that only the page itself was tested for activity in the manager method, and none of its ancestors. The check whether all ancestors are active was only conducted later in a request processor. This request processor was registered by default and was always run when ``Page.objects.for_request`` was called with ``setup=True``. However, request processors do not belong into the model layer. The necessity of running code belonging to a request-response cycle to get the correct answer from a manager method was undesirable. This has been rectified, those manager methods check the ancestry directly. The now redundant request processor ``require_path_active_request_processor`` has been removed. Reversing application content URLs ---------------------------------- The support for monkey-patching applicationcontent-awareness into Django's :py:func:`django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` has been removed. Removal of deprecated features ------------------------------ * The old media library content type module :py:mod:`feincms.content.medialibrary.models` has been replaced with the contents of :py:mod:`feincms.content.medialibrary.v2`. The model field ``position`` has been renamed to ``type``, instead of ``POSITION_CHOICES`` you should use ``TYPE_CHOICES`` now. The code has been simplified and hacks to imitate ``raw_id_fields`` have been replaced by working stock code. The ``v2`` module will stay around for another release and will be removed in FeinCMS v1.8. The now-unused template ``admin/content/mediafile/init.html`` has been deleted. New deprecations ---------------- * ``Page.setup_request()`` does not do anything anymore and will be removed in FeinCMS v1.8. Notable features and improvements ================================= * A lazy version of :py:func:`~feincms.content.application.models.app_reverse` is now available, :py:func:`~feincms.content.application.models.app_reverse_lazy`. * Because of the extensions refactor mentioned above, all ``register_extension`` methods have been removed. Additionally, the model admin classes are not imported inside the ``models.py`` files anymore. * The setting ``FEINCMS_USE_PAGE_ADMIN`` can be set to false to prevent registration of the page model with the administration. This is especially useful if you only want to reuse parts of the page module. * Various classes in :py:mod:`feincms.module.page` do not hardcode the page class anymore; hooks are provided to use your own models instead. Please refer to the source for additional information. * ``Page.redirect_to`` can also contain the primary key of a page now, which means that the redirect target stays correct even if the page URL changes. * Before, page content was copied automatically when creating a translation of an existing page. This behavior can be deactivated by unchecking a checkbox now. * Work has begun to make the page forms, model admin classes and managers work with an abstract page model so that it will be easier to work with several page models in a single Django site. Bugfixes ======== * It should be possible to store FeinCMS models in a secondary database, as long as the base model and all content types are stored in the same database. * Changing templates in the item editor where the templates do not share common regions does not result in orphaned content blocks anymore. * :py:func:`feincms.utils.get_object` knows how to import modules, not only objects inside modules now. * The order and priority values for pages have been fixed when generating sitemaps. * Various ``save`` and ``delete`` methods now come with ``alters_data=True`` to prevent their use in templates. * Only one translation is permitted per language when using :py:mod:`feincms.translations`. * FeinCMS can now be used without :py:mod:`django.contrib.sites`. * If the fieldset of a content inline has been customized, the fieldset is not processed again to make sure that all form fields are actually shown. If you use dynamically generated fields in a content inline such as the application content does, you must not customize the fieldsets attribute of the ``FeinCMSInline``. Compatibility with Django and other apps ======================================== FeinCMS 1.7 requires Django 1.4 or better.