Media library

The media library module provides a way to store, transform and display files of arbitrary types.

The following instructions assume, that you use the media library together with the page module. However, the media library does not depend on any aspect of the page module – you can use it with any CMS base model.

To activate the media library and use it together with the page module, it is best to first get the page module working with a few content types. Afterwards, add feincms.module.medialibrary to your INSTALLED_APPS setting, and create a content type for a media file as follows:

from import Page
from feincms.content.medialibrary.v2 import MediaFileContent

Page.create_content_type(MediaFileContent, TYPE_CHOICES=(
        ('default', _('default')),
        ('lightbox', _('lightbox')),

TYPE_CHOICES has nothing to do with file types – it’s about choosing the presentation type for a certain media file, f.e. whether the media file should be presented inline, in a lightbox, floated, or simply as a download link.


The location and URL of the media library may be configured either by setting the appropriate variables in your file or in your CMS defining module.

The file system path for all media library files is defined using Django’s MEDIA_ROOT setting and FeinCMS’ FEINCMS_MEDIALIBRARY_UPLOAD_TO setting which defaults to medialibrary/%Y/%m/.

These settings can also be changed programmatically using MediaFile.reconfigure(upload_to=..., storage=...)

Rendering media file contents

A set of recognition functions will be run on the file name to determine the file type. Using combinations of the name and type, the default render method tries to find a template for rendering the MediaFileContent.

The default set of pre-defined content types and recognition functions is:

        ('image', _('Image'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.(bmp|jpe?g|jp2|jxr|gif|png|tiff?)$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('video', _('Video'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.(mov|m[14]v|mp4|avi|mpe?g|qt|ogv|wmv)$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('audio', _('Audio'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.(au|mp3|m4a|wma|oga|ram|wav)$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('pdf', _('PDF document'), lambda f: f.lower().endswith('.pdf')),
        ('swf', _('Flash'), lambda f: f.lower().endswith('.swf')),
        ('txt', _('Text'), lambda f: f.lower().endswith('.txt')),
        ('rtf', _('Rich Text'), lambda f: f.lower().endswith('.rtf')),
        ('zip', _('Zip archive'), lambda f: f.lower().endswith('.zip')),
        ('doc', _('Microsoft Word'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.docx?$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('xls', _('Microsoft Excel'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.xlsx?$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('ppt', _('Microsoft PowerPoint'), lambda f: re.compile(r'\.pptx?$', re.IGNORECASE).search(f)),
        ('other', _('Binary'), lambda f: True), # Must be last

You can add to that set by calling MediaFile.register_filetypes() with your new file types similar to the above.

If we’ve got an example file 2009/06/foobar.jpg and a presentation type of inline, the templates tried to render the media file are the following:

  • content/mediafile/image_inline.html
  • content/mediafile/image.html
  • content/mediafile/inline.html
  • content/mediafile/default.html

You are of course free to do with the file what you want inside the template, for example a thumbnail and a lightbox version of the image file, and put everything into an element that’s floated to the left.

Media file metadata

Sometimes, just storing media files is not enough. You’ve got captions and copyrights which you’d like to store alongside the media file. This media library allows that. The caption may even be translated into different languages. This is most often not necessary or does not apply to copyrights, therefore the copyright can only be entered once, not once per language.

The default image template content/mediafile/image.html demonstrates how the values of those fields can be retrieved and used.

Using the media library in your own apps and content types

There are a few helpers that allow you to have a nice raw_id selector and thumbnail preview in your own apps and content types that have a ForeignKey to MediaFile.

To have a thumbnail preview in your ModelAdmin and Inline class:

from feincms.module.medialibrary.fields import MediaFileForeignKey

class ImageForProject(models.Model):
    project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
    mediafile = MediaFileForeignKey(MediaFile, related_name='+',
                                  limit_choices_to={'type': 'image'})

For the maginfying-glass select widget in your content type inherit your inline from FeinCMSInline:

class MyContentInline(FeinCMSInline):
    raw_id_fields = ('mediafile',)

class MyContent(models.Model):
    feincms_item_editor_inline = MyContentInline