.. _templatetags: ============= Template tags ============= General template tags ===================== .. module:: feincms.templatetags.feincms_tags To use the template tags described in this section, you need to load the ``feincms_tags`` template tag library:: {% load feincms_tags %} .. function:: feincms_render_region: .. function:: feincms_render_content: Some content types will need the request object to work properly. Contact forms will need to access POSTed data, a Google Map content type needs to use a different API key depending on the current domain etc. This means you should add ``django.core.context_processors.request`` to your ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS``. These two template tags allow you to pass the request from the template to the content type. :func:`feincms_render_content` allows you to surround the individual content blocks with custom markup, :func:`feincms_render_region` simply concatenates the output of all content blocks:: {% load feincms_tags %} {% feincms_render_region feincms_page "main" request %} or:: {% load feincms_tags %} {% for content in feincms_page.content.main %}
{% feincms_render_content content request %}
{% endfor %} Both template tags add the current rendering context to the ``render`` method call too. This means that you can access both the request and the current context inside your content type as follows:: class MyContentType(models.Model): # class Meta etc... def render(self, **kwargs): request = kwargs.get('request') context = kwargs.get('context') .. function:: feincms_frontend_editing: Page module-specific template tags ================================== .. module:: feincms.module.page.templatetags.feincms_page_tags All page module-specific template tags are contained in ``feincms_page_tags``:: {% load feincms_page_tags %} .. function:: feincms_nav: Return a list of pages to be used for the navigation level: 1 = toplevel, 2 = sublevel, 3 = sub-sublevel depth: 1 = only one level, 2 = subpages too If you set depth to something else than 1, you might want to look into the ``tree_info`` template tag from the mptt_tags library. Example:: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_nav feincms_page level=2 depth=1 as sublevel %} {% for p in sublevel %} {{ p.title }} {% endfor %} .. function:: siblings_along_path_to: This is a filter designed to work in close conjunction with the ``feincms_nav`` template tag describe above to build a navigation tree following the path to the current page. Example:: {% feincms_nav feincms_page level=1 depth=3 as navitems %} {% with navitems|siblings_along_path_to:feincms_page as navtree %} {% recursetree navtree %} * {{ node.short_title }}
{% if children %}
{{ children }}
{% endif %} {% endrecursetree %} {% endwith %} For helper function converting a tree of pages into an HTML representation please see the mptt_tags library's ``tree_info`` and ``recursetree``. .. function:: feincms_parentlink: Return a link to an ancestor of the passed page. You'd determine the link to the top level ancestor of the current page like this:: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_parentlink of feincms_page level=1 %} Please note that this is not the same as simply getting the URL of the parent of the current page. .. function:: feincms_languagelinks: This template tag needs the translations extension. Arguments can be any combination of: * ``all`` or ``existing``: Return all languages or only those where a translation exists * ``excludecurrent``: Excludes the item in the current language from the list The default behavior is to return an entry for all languages including the current language. Example:: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_languagelinks for feincms_page as links all,excludecurrent %} {% for key, name, link in links %} {% trans name %} {% endfor %} .. function:: feincms_translatedpage: This template tag needs the translations extension. Returns the requested translation of the page if it exists. If the language argument is omitted the primary language will be returned (the first language specified in settings.LANGUAGES):: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_translatedpage for feincms_page as feincms_transpage language=en %} {% feincms_translatedpage for feincms_page as originalpage %} {% feincms_translatedpage for some_page as translatedpage language=feincms_page.language %} .. function:: feincms_translatedpage_or_base: This template tag needs the translations extensions. Similar in function and arguments to feincms_translatedpage, but if no translation for the requested language exists, the base language page will be returned:: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_translatedpage_or_base for some_page as some_transpage language=gr %} .. function:: feincms_breadcrumbs: :: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_breadcrumbs feincms_page %} .. function:: is_parent_of: :: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% if page1|is_parent_of:page2 %} page1 is a parent of page2 {% endif %} .. function:: is_equal_or_parent_of: :: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_nav feincms_page level=1 as main %} {% for entry in main %} {{ entry.title }} {% endfor %} .. function:: page_is_active: The advantage of ``page_is_active`` compared to the previous tags is that it also nows how to handle page pretenders. If ``entry`` is a page pretender, the template tag returns ``True`` if the current path starts with the page pretender's path. If ``entry`` is a regular page, the logic is the same as in ``is_equal_or_parent_of``. :: {% load feincms_page_tags %} {% feincms_nav feincms_page level=1 as main %} {% for entry in main %} {% page_is_active entry as is_active %} {{ entry.title }} {% endfor %} The values of ``feincms_page`` (the current page) and the current path are pulled out of the context variables ``feincms_page`` and ``request``. They can also be overriden if you so require:: {% page_is_active entry feincms_page=something path=request.path %} Application content template tags ================================= .. module:: feincms.templatetags.applicationcontent_tags: .. function:: app_reverse: Returns an absolute URL for applications integrated with ApplicationContent The tag mostly works the same way as Django's own {% url %} tag:: {% load applicationcontent_tags %} {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" arg1 arg2 %} or:: {% load applicationcontent_tags %} {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" name1=value1 name2=value2 %} The first argument is a path to a view. The second argument is the URLconf under which this app is known to the ApplicationContent. Other arguments are space-separated values that will be filled in place of positional and keyword arguments in the URL. Don't mix positional and keyword arguments. If you want to store the URL in a variable instead of showing it right away you can do so too:: {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" arg1 arg2 as url %} .. function:: fragment: .. function:: get_fragment: Don't use those, read up on :ref:`integration-applicationcontent-inheritance20` instead.