.. _tools-base: :class:`feincms.models.Base` --- CMS base class =============================================== This is the base class which you must inherit if you'd like to use the CMS to manage content with the :class:`~feincms.admin.item_editor.ItemEditor`. .. method:: Base.register_templates(*templates) .. method:: Base.register_regions(*regions) .. attribute:: Base.content Beware not to name subclass field `content` as this will overshadow `ContentProxy` and you will not be able to reference `ContentProxy`. .. method:: Base.create_content_type(model, regions=None, [**kwargs]) .. method:: Base.content_type_for(model) .. method:: Base.copy_content_from(obj) .. method:: Base.replace_content_with(obj) .. method:: Base.append_content_from(obj)